Let’s (try to) Play a Game: Why my Categories Suck.

My categories suck. Just look at them:

Now look at them with numbers:

Do you see that? Disgusting.

Look at it! A 2 and a 1 and then a 14? Terrible, absolutely terrible. You must all be recoiling in disgust by now.

These are the suckiest categories that ever sucked. They are so sucky that if you looked up the word “sucks” you would find that it says :

  1. in.
    That is worthless. :  This meat loaf is terrible. It sucks.
Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition.
But wait, I have to explain why.

But I don’t want to.


But I should because its the title of this post. You see I have been “tagged” by one J. Todd Hubbard and now I’m “it”. This means that I’m forced at gunpoint to answer the question. Now I’m sure that Mr. Hubbard is a nice man and probably tries to pay his taxes and I already know that he’s very funny, but when it comes to his questions there is no funny business allowed.

Now I gave him many reasons as to why I do not play these games:

1) Ann Archie hates rules and this game has lots of them.

However, he refused to listen to my reasons and so here we are.

My categories suck because they are not doing what they’re suppose to be doing. It’s like having a employees that don’t do their job or a cake that’s not awesome. I mean come on, I have a category called Funny Stuff (maybe) EVERYTHING I WRITE IS FUNNY STUFF MAYBE. Then I have categories that I only made for one or two posts and have no intention of using again. Also, Thoughts and Things?? That’ my entire blog!

Now I’m a person who knows how to be organized, I might not always be but when I must I can be. Let’s call it potential organization (I’ll  put it on my resume).

So watching this train wreck of an attempt to organize my blog makes me want to run out to the rain and cry dramatically. Moreover, what’s up with WordPress not letting us rename categories or delete them or is that me just being an idiot?

Either way my categories still suck and I hope that this ramble of words did some kind of explaining.

[Thank you Mr. Hubbard for this post idea, you may now remove the gun from my head]

Challenge status (what’s this about?): Day 6